Ingrid Hick
Founder of Find Your Place
Our story ...
Find Your Place was born almost simply from the observation that it is very often fastidious to find a venue that corresponds perfectly to the event that you want to organise. Too small, too big, too expensive, too far away... the difficulties are numerous!
Like you, I've been through this! I too have spent a lot of time looking for THE perfect place to gather my family and friends. It is from these rather frustrating experiences that the idea of developing a website to facilitate these searches began to germinate in me.
However, the option of creating my own business and launching myself as a self-employed person was far from certain. As a mother of two young children, a partner who was already self-employed and with a "secure" job in digital marketing for more than 10 years, there was no reason (I thought wrongly) to take the plunge.
Until the day when a major restructuring in my company turned everything upside down. Coincidence or chance, the fact is that this was an opportunity for me to think about my project again and ... to make it happen.
My objective in creating the website was simple: to allow you to find in just a few clicks the ideal place to organise your private or professional events: weddings, birthdays…, but also seminars, conferences, training courses, etc.
The task was huge and the obstacles numerous, but I believed in it. And today, I am proud to present Find Your Place. An innovative company on a human scale, made up of brilliant collaborators ready to invest themselves fully at my side to make this beautiful project a flourishing reality.
Find Your Place reflects my courage and kindness. It is a powerful platform, constantly evolving, seeking above all to offer you more and better... This will ensure that my team and I will be able to take on many challenges in the future!